UPN: 9370    Project Name: Sinusoidal CLRS – Colstrip

Sinusoidal Centerline Rumble Strip (SCLRS) image

This project is to document the application phase of different styles of sinusoidal centerline rumble strip (SCLRS) installation in addition to long-term performance evaluation.

Centerline rumble strips are extremely effective in reducing severe roadway departure crashes at a low cost. Rumble strips use both noise and vibration to alert a driver that their vehicle is leaving the travel path. To be effective, the noise generated inside the vehicle must rouse a drowsy driver or grab the attention of a distracted driver. Since there is a wide range of “drowsiness” and “distraction” inside the vehicle compartment, more noise is typically better.

Conversely, the noise generated outside the vehicle can be disruptive to residents or businesses in the area, and the goal is to produce as little sound as possible broadcast outside the vehicle and still maintain the needed level of safety. The focus of this project is to document the method of installation and equipment used to apply this feature and to compare the current noise level of the conventional strips the Department now deploys to the sinusoidal rumble strips on this project. The contractor who installed the sinusoidal rumble strips was Surface Preparation Technologies (SPT) LLC.

Updated Report
Colstrip Sinusoidal Noise Report

For more information, contact MDT Research Section.