Project Overview

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the City of Bozeman, in cooperation with Montana State University (MSU), the Museum of the Rockies, and other stakeholders, have initiated a project to reconstruct Kagy Boulevard from South 19th Avenue to Willson Avenue.

The project is still in the early design stages and community outreach opportunities will be updated on this page as they are scheduled. Public engagement opportunities concluded in May of 2023 and the design team has been working with the project stakeholders to update the design and assess feasibility of different project components.

South Bozeman has experienced significant growth and is expected to continue doing so as the enrollment at MSU increases and housing needs in the area continue to grow. Kagy Boulevard is the primary east-west route in this area and is expected to serve a large portion of the developing community.

The Kagy Boulevard - South 19th to Willson project will correct the existing deficiencies and create a wider corridor better suited to the current and projected traffic demands. Proposed improvements include the addition of a multi-use paths for high-quality bike and pedestrian facilities, lighting along the corridor, grade-separated pedestrian crossings, and landscaped boulevards. Additionally, stormwater management infrastructure will be added throughout the project to improve environmental quality. Intersections will be reconstructed with enhanced safety features and the pavement will be fully replaced for the first time in the history of Kagy Boulevard.

Current Status

In December of 2023, $24,289,622 in Rural Surface Transportation Grant funding was secured to reconstruct and enhance safety features on Kagy Boulevard. Following the completion of the Preliminary 30% Design milestone, the contract will be converted to a design-build contract to comply with federal grant requirements.

The project will reconstruct Kagy Boulevard from South 19th Avenue to South Willson Avenue and include two travel lanes in each direction, turning lanes, a median, a separated 10-foot-wide shared-use path on both sides of the roadway, landscaping, street lighting, grade-separated and at-grade pedestrian crossings, and signal modifications. Intersection improvements will include layout and signal modifications to the South Willson Avenue intersection along with two multi-lane roundabouts: one at the South 11th Avenue intersection and another at the South 7th Avenue intersection.

The following typical section illustrates recommended multi-lane design concepts for the project corridor.

Typical Section Option - Multilane

Preliminary design and approval are anticipated to continue through the summer of 2025, at which point, right-of-way acquisition will begin. Construction is anticipated to start no later than 2027.

Public Involvement

As MDT and Sanderson Stewart continue planning efforts, Big Sky Public Relations will keep those interested up to date. This webpage will house project information and outreach materials. Please reach out to Kristine to sign up for updates regarding the project or give us a call. We know you care about this project. We do too.

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