I90 Lookout Pass to Taft

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this project?

Due to the harsh weather environment in this area and the deteriorating conditions of the existing asphalt surfacing, this project will replace the existing pavement with new, more durable concrete, and provide additional improvements including:

  • Lookout Pass Interchange safety enhancements.
  • Surface drainage upgrades and culvert replacements.
  • Concrete barrier replacement.
  • Roadway lighting and signing updates.

Who is developing this project?

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is developing this project in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). MDT has retained HDR as the Design Consultant.

How can you stay informed or comment about this project?

A public involvement plan has been developed to ensure recreationalists, interest groups, and roadway users are frequently updated throughout the project. Stakeholder engagement includes ongoing one-on-one meetings with interested stakeholders. Updates will continue to be provided as the design progresses.

New project information will be posted on this website as it becomes available.

Comments can be submitted electronically. To submit a comment, visit MDT’s Online Comment Form.

Please note that your comments are for the Lookout Pass to Taft project, UPN 9487000. Thank you!

UPN 9487000