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Camp Dresser and McKee will be producing numerous informational displays about existing transportation conditions and findings. Many of these products will be in graphical form to make it easier for you to review and understand. The following topics are available at this time:

Study Area

This map shows the City of Hamilton and those portions of Ravalli County included in this 2009 Transportation Study. Note that the entire city of Hamilton is contained within the study area boundary as well as minor portions of Ravalli County surrounding Hamilton. The Transportation Plan study area boundary mimics the City's 2009 Growth Policy Update study area boundary.

Functional Classification System / Major Street Network

Urban areas within Montana have what is known as a Federally approved "functional classification system". The Federally approved functional classification system for the Hamilton urban area is highlighted in various colors on the following maps. No local access streets are included on this functional classification system. In addition to the Federally approved functional classification system, many urban areas also have their own street classification network. This is the case for the community of Hamilton. Their classification system is also shown on graphics presented herein, and is referred to as the "Major Street Network". Streets generally fall into four (4) urban roadway classifications, all of which are shown on the following graphics. These urban roadway classifications are:

  • Principal Arterials
  • Minor Arterials
  • Collectors
  • Local Streets

Urban Principal Arterials carry vehicles efficiently from place to place serving most trips entering and leaving the urban area. Access to adjacent land uses is a minor function for this classification of street.

Urban Minor Arterials carry vehicles quickly from place to place connecting the principal arterials, but access to adjacent land use has a higher priority.

Collectors link local access streets to the arterial network. Speeds are generally lower than on arterials and access to adjacent land uses has a high priority.

The primary purpose of Local streets is access to adjacent land uses. Speeds are intended to be lower and access to and from driveways is frequent.

The Federally approved functional classification system includes all streets, other than local streets, that are used by the public to get from place to place within the study area.

Functional Classification System
Enlarged Functional Classification System