Drugged driving is the use of legal or illegal substances that impact driving ability. Drugged Driving in Montana is illegal.
Drug and drug/alcohol-impaired driving is a complex problem.
- Hundreds of different drugs (legal and illegal) can impair drivers.
- Drug presence in the body affects driving ability and effects vary from driver to driver.
- Drugs and alcohol mixed is dangerous and can further diminish a driver’s ability to drive safely.
- Drug presence in impaired drivers is often underreported due to the complexity/costs of testing.
The Problem
According to national reports, drugged driving trends are increasing. Similarly, in Montana, DUI Crashes and DUI cases that have both alcohol/drugs are increasing. Drugs being a factor continues to increase in impaired driving related fatalities.
The Montana Department of Justice, Forensic Science Division produces an Annual Toxicology Report that provides state level drugged driving data.